Entries by szamor@effectivemediationconsultants.com

The Promise of Mediation: Medical Malpractice and Litigation Made More Humane, It’s Possible

“When in the worst of circumstances, we can find the best in people…” This is a statement I use during mediations. Whether mediating between disputing companies or families, all disputes must have at least two people prepared to negotiate and address high emotional concerns. Similarly, when a patient is dealing with the perception of improper […]

Ethical/Moral Obligations of a Mediator: The Issue Regarding the Disbarred Attorney Participant…

So, our issues begins…. A Mediation was scheduled regarding a Circuit Civil matter. All of the noticed parties were present, the mediator, Plaintiff’s Counsel (“PC”),a Plaintiff’s corporate representative (“PR”) with “full authority” to settle, and the Defendant. Before commencing the mediation, the Defendant stated that they recently retained counsel, who will be filing notice of […]