When Negotiating: "Stop Expecting the F-Bomb"
After more than twenty years as a professional neutral I’ve…

Three Important Elements of an Effective Opening Statement
Three Important Elements of an Effective Opening Statement

Avoiding The F –Bomb While Mediating, Is that Possible?
Ok. I have to finally say it! There just seems to be no…

Business Negotiation Techniques That Work
Business Negotiation Techniques That…

“Victory Can Be Achieved Through Perspective”
By Stanley Zamor
Plaintiff’s Attorney: (after opening presentations)…

Recognized by The National Academy!
Mr. Zamor is privileged to serve disputants and their advocates.…

2022! A Mediator’s Holiday Wish
By Stanley Zamor
“Happy Holidays”; “Merry Christmas”;…

A Mediator’s Holiday Wish
By Stanley Zamor
1- Seasons Greetings: “Happy Holidays”;…

An Unusual Approach to Negotiations that Yield Better Results?
By Stanley Zamor
“So, Mr. Zamor, if we do indeed settle,…

A Companion Piece By Friend and Colleague John Freud: "Turning Water into Wine"
By John S. Freud
“Be like water making its way through…

“Negotiating with the Enemy – Thoughts”
The Washington-Relocation
Father’s Attorney: “My client…

Prepared. Lawyered-Up. We’re Ready to Fight…But Not Settle
“No One Wins a War…” & “Litigation is War…”

“When You Negotiate/Mediate BEWARE WHO YOU BRING!?!”
By Stanley Zamor
I was recently called by a mediator colleague…

An Alternative to Litigation: Can’t Afford a Lawyer. Don’t Need a Lawyer? DIY Solutions, REALLY.
If You Want to FIGHT…
If you want to fight, go to Court.…

An Alternative to Litigation: “Part 2, The Basics of Online Negotiation/Mediation: Creating Value Through COVID-19” By Stanley Zamor
“Thank you for allowing me to be your mediator. If you can…

An Alternative to Litigation: “Preparing for Negotiations: Do a S.W.O.T. Analysis”
By Stanley Zamor
So after three intense hours…

An Alternative to Litigation: Addressing the Imbalance of Power in Mediation
Published : May 2017

Turning Water Into Wine
Turning Water Into Wine[1]
By John S. Freud

“Mediate, Like Water My Friend – Reflecting on Bruce Lee”
By Stanley Zamor
The Defense and the Plaintiff’s attorneys…

Quotes from "The Importance of Diversity in Alternative Dispute Resolution" June 2021
Baros, Eunice, Palm Beach County Bar Bulletin on Diversity.Mediation

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can develop after a person is…

Learning to CoParent As You Divorce/Separate: Step 1
It is unfortunate when couples can no longer stay together…

The Positive-Impasse: Video-Mediation Observation Recap Discussion
A Positive Impasse? Insurance Property Loss. Kris (mentee)…

May 2019 New Administrative Order! Fresh, New & Responsive
[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="no" equal_height_columns="no"…

An Alternative to Litigation: “3 Effective Negotiation Strategies”
“Ultimate excellence lies not in winning every battle, but…

A New Year of Resolve: Saying Goodbye to LAST-YEAR'S Litigation and Hello to THIS-YEAR'S Agreed Settlement
By Stanley Zamor …

“Let’s Make A Business Decision, Let’s Mediate”
“Let’s Make A Business Decision, Let’s Mediate”
By Stanley…

“Getting What You Want in Mediation”
“Getting What You Want in Mediation”
By Stanley Zamor

Workplace Sexual Harassment: #MeToo & Finding A Resolution Process
#METOO Trends and Highlights
IN the past few months…

“Selecting a Mediator? Sword-n-Shield vs Bridge-n-Brick”
As the parties and their attorneys were signing their…

"Addressing the Imbalance of Power in Mediation" (short)
As it appears in Legacy Magazine, an Independent Insert found…

DEATH OF A MEDIATOR (inspired by actual and true events)
I come to you with a heavy heart. I am gravely saddened for our…

As a Mediator, I Just Must Believe in Santa Claus
In a conversation with a friend, where we were speaking about…

Are Mediators/ADR Professionals Uncomfortable w/ Conflict Outside Their Conference Room?
Appeared in "The Caucus" a publication from The Florida Academy…

I AM Just Asking. Are Mediators/ADR Professionals Uncomfortable with Conflict Outside Their Conference Room?
In Brief: Where are my fellow Mediators/ADR Professionals? I…

The Promise of Mediation: Medical Malpractice and Litigation Made More Humane, It’s Possible
“When in the worst of circumstances, we can find the best in…

Ethical/Moral Obligations of a Mediator: The Issue Regarding the Disbarred Attorney Participant…
So, our issues begins…. A Mediation was scheduled regarding…

Nothing is my Fault (Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder)
Click here to hear the Podcast, enjoy. PODCAST
We have a great…

Good Neutrals Are Hard Working: "No J.D. NEEDED..."?
CLICK HERE: Daily Business Review 9.8.14 hard copy

A New Year of Resolve: Saying Goodbye to 2013 Litigation & Hello to 2014 Agreed Settlement
Article_LegacyNot_ 2014 A New Year of Resolve_v2-FA…