The Positive-Impasse: Video-Mediation Observation Recap Discussion

A Positive Impasse? Insurance Property Loss. Kris (mentee) and I discuss and debrief about what she observed and learned by watching Stanley Zamor mediate a First Party Home Insurance case. Debriefing and discussing the process is advantageous for both the observer and a seasoned skilled mediator. The learning process never ends and only makes you better. Every mediation is essentially different, and the dynamics of how parties negotiate is paramount to the process. This mediation ultimately resolved a few days later even though it ended in an no agreement initially. This recap highlights the following (but not limited it): 1) Negotiation styles 2) The stark differences between the Attorney to client relationship and how they negotiation throughout the process 3) Party empowerment 4) Party self-determination 5) The Mediators ethics – Opinion and Advice 6) How to promote negotiations after an impasse 7) Issue presented by advocates/attorneys who may not want to resolve cases.