The Art of Mediation: “Mediation is My Superpower: Chapter 2- Addressing Super-Villain Traits During Negotiations, Breaking Impasse and Better Outcomes” (8 hours)
While many focus primarily on the strengths of their case, like the “hero” of a fantasy tale who believes they should be the only one to prevail in a dispute. There is another side. Their adversary is the natural “villain” that does not speak truth or has a perspective that is as just/correct/factually sound. This webinar examines and illustrates what we see as villainous traits and how we can break impasse, and use true conflict resolution skills/techniques to achieve better outcomes.
This is a lively programs focused on skill-building and advanced techniques; discussing ethical concerns from the point of view of the mediator, lawyer, and disputants. THESE ARE ADVANCED, BUT ALL ARE WELCOMED! WE ALL GROW TOGETHER…As a bonus this CME meets the requirements for continuing legal education (CLE). Credits for CME offers in the areas of Ethics, General/Technology, Diversity and Interpersonal Violence.